Filing and Storage

Having an efficient filing and storage structure is crucial for maintaining order and ensuring that important documents are easily accessible when needed. This is especially important in design, where there are so many assets to consider.

Storage Medium

We currently use Google Drive to store Brand Design assets. You can find the directory here. If you don’t have access and need it after receiving assets, reach out to the Design team via Slack!

Storage Structure

Here, we visualise the file management system in design, based on what works well as a standard and satisfies an understandable navigation system:


File Naming and Labelling

Consistent naming practice is crucial for being able to find different files. It also matters a lot for testing assets via performance channels, so it’s important for us to have a correct naming convention from the get-go.

This is the convention we use universally:


Maintenance and Organisation

It’s important to keep things up to date within the Drive. The Design team will operate with the goal of updating the the Drive every Friday, so that all assets are accessible on a regular cadence and you can be assured that you’re not missing anything.